Discover the ways we support families and communities
Brian’s House provides a variety of community-integrated residential options for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities who are ages 21 and over. We operate more than 75 community homes or apartments in Bucks, Delaware, Chester and Montgomery Counties.
Our residences are comfortable and spacious. Most have 24-hour support in the residence where two to four people live together. We work with individuals to plan meaningful activities in the community that may include work, an adult day enrichment program, or leisure time. Our person-centered philosophy promotes self-determination and personal fulfillment.
Transportation to work and other appointments and activities
Coordination of everyone’s chosen daily activities
Ongoing assessment of interests and skill attainment
Access to clinical supports
We are committed to providing individuals with an opportunity to share their life with a compatible family. Lifesharing can be a positive experience for those in need of a solid familial foundation, but it can also provide a perfect scenario for those looking for a different living arrangement.
We are currently looking for individuals in search of an ideal situation of support and guidance. We also would like to begin relationships with families that are looking to provide a safe and stable home environment.
Lifesharing involves residing and exchanging life experiences with a supportive individual or family, forming a nurturing household. This arrangement fosters a close personal bond and provides a living space. Lifesharing enables individuals with disabilities to reside with a family or individual who will cater to their everyday needs and aspirations.
Lifesharing is an ODP-funded program, individuals can use the Community Living Waiver, Base Funding, or a Consolidated Waiver.
Providers can be singles, companions, married couples, birth families, relatives, and legal guardians.
Lifesharers are to provide a warm, nurturing home while supporting people to enhance their lives. The family or individual must comply with the policies, procedures, and regulations of the agency, the county, and the state to provide a safe nurturing, and healthy environment.
The host family receives a tax-free stipend each month (this varies from $2,700.00 to $5,202.00 a month (up to $62,000 a year). This is dependent on the level of care the individual needs. This stipend encompasses room and board and compensation for their caregiving responsibilities. The individual’s income and benefits cover their medical expenses and personal expenditures.
The application process includes child abuse clearances and criminal history check, reference checks, home inspection, and pre-admission training
During the matching process, we consider demographics, level of care, alone time, day programming, respite care, and likes & dislikes.
When you become a provider (host family) with Brian’s House you become part of the Woods System of Care, which includes 21 affiliates in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Interested in becoming a Lifesharing provider?
Residential Director / Director of Lifesharing
The Adult Day Services program provides people with disabilities with meaningful daily activities that promote personal growth, help develop daily living skills, build self-worth, and offer opportunities for socialization. We provide support for people diagnosed with intellectual disabilities, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, and brain injury, among other conditions.
We are committed to compassionate care and active engagement through our dedicated, experienced staff members. We work closely with families and maintain frequent communication to ensure a continuity of care for their loved ones.
Community Participation Services
Job Placement Services
Transitional Work
Small Group Employment
If you are interested in Adult Day Service, contact:
Director, Vocational Services, Brian’s House Enterprises
Community integration is a Pennsylvania state mandate, founded on the idea that all individuals should have the opportunity to engage with and be welcomed in their community. By locating and participating in preferred community activities, individuals in such programs form relationships, discover new interests, and even achieve mainstream employment.
In groups of small ratios (no more than one staff to every three individuals), each day Brian’s House Enterprises sends out multiple instructors and individuals to destinations like bowling, movie theaters, volunteer work, farms, zoos, art galleries, and more. BHE prides itself on the creativity and initiative of its community instructors and welcomes staff ideas for community outings.
Brian’s House Enterprises’ supported employment program empowers individuals to reach beyond what they might believe is possible for them. Once an individual has been successful in pre-vocational programs, we assess their interests and skills and work with companies to customize opportunities that are a good fit for both.
Resume building
Interview preparation
Post-interview thanks you to the interviewer
Once a job has been acquired, we provide extensive on-the-job training and support for the individual as well as the business and remain with the individual until we feel they will be successful without constant supervision. We work not only on skill development specific to the job, but also focus on customer service, asking for help, organization, problem-solving, and time management.
We have experienced tremendous success with individuals working in competitive employment
Our vocational program offers engaging community-based supervised positions for hourly pay. While enrolled in our vocational training program, individuals can join small work team and perform supported, community-based employment with a trained supervisor. These jobs involve landscaping, shipping, cleaningand more!
Supports individuals with disabilities or challenges to achieve their highest potential.
757 Springdale Drive
Exton, PA 19341
610 873 3500